Property Division: Common Law Couples and Adult Interdependent Partners, Report 30

In recent decades, it has become increasingly common for couples to live together without being legally married. Couples who live together in a marriage-like relationship without being legally married are often said to be living in a common-law relationship. In Alberta, there are no legislated rules for property division upon the breakdown of a common-law relationship. The Matrimonial Property Act applies only to married spouses. Property division for common-law partners is based on legal ownership and the [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:00:56-07:00September 30th, 2017|Project|0 Comments

Property Division: Living Together Before Marriage, Report 31

It is not uncommon for couples to live together before getting married. In some cases, they will acquire significant property, such as a home, furniture and a vehicle. While the Matrimonial Property Act [MPA] applies a presumption of equal division to property acquired during the marriage, it exempts the property acquired before the marriage. Consequently, the original value of that property is not divided on separation or divorce; only the increase in value of that property, from [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:00:45-07:00October 31st, 2017|Project|0 Comments

Abolition of Perpetuities Law, Final Report 110

The rule against perpetuities is an ancient and complex set of legal rules designed to prevent people from indefinitely tying up land and assets via successive contingent interests of title so that future generations cannot sell, mortgage or enjoy full use of the property. In 1972, Alberta reformed the worst excesses of the rule against perpetuities in our current Perpetuities Act, seeking a reasonable balance between competing interests. Following public consultation, the Alberta Law Reform [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:01:17-07:00March 1st, 2017|Project|0 Comments

A New Trustee Act for Alberta, Final Report 109

Trusts are used by many Albertans as a way to manage property and assets, both before and after death. Having modern and clear rules for setting up and handling trusts is important to allow Albertans to manage and distribute their property. The current Trustee Act is outdated and has not kept pace with the modern world. ALRI has just released Final Report No. 109 - A New Trustee Act for Alberta. The Report sets out ALRI’s [...]

By |2023-02-28T11:20:48-07:00January 1st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Reviewable Transactions, Final Report 108

The law of fraudulent preference and conveyances is outdated and still relies on the English Fraudulent Conveyances Act, 1571. The law in this area also lacks a clear policy foundation and needs to be clarified and modernised. In 2012, the Uniform Law Conference of Canada recommended new legislation to update this area of the law. The Alberta Law Reform Institute has reviewed the work of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada and recommends that Alberta adopt [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:01:43-07:00March 1st, 2016|Project|0 Comments

A New Trustee Act for Alberta, Report 28

In 2012, the Uniform Law Conference of Canada published the Uniform Trustee Act and recommended it be adopted by the common law provinces. ALRI representatives participated in the creation of the Uniform Trustee Act. ALRI’s Report For Discussion #28, A New Trustee Act for Alberta, consists of recommendations for implementing the Uniform Trustee Act in Alberta. Using the Uniform Trustee Act as a starting point, ALRI has enhanced, tailored and clarified the Uniform Trustee Act to [...]

By |2023-02-27T15:41:57-07:00November 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Matrimonial Property Act: Valuation Date, Final Report 107

Currently, Alberta’s Matrimonial Property Act [MPA] requires matrimonial property to be valued at the date of trial. This is in direct opposition to many other matrimonial property statutes across Canada, which have opted to use the date of separation as the default valuation date. An Alberta case law review indicates that valuation date is one of the most problematic areas under the MPA, with valuation at trial reducing the chances of settlement and leading to [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:01:56-07:00September 1st, 2015|Project|0 Comments

Competence and Communication in the Alberta Evidence Act, Report 27

On occasion, a court must determine whether a proposed witness is competent to give evidence. The question arises with child witnesses and may also arise for adults with cognitive impairment. Alberta legislation about competence has not kept pace with modern knowledge about children’s abilities, and fails to address adults with cognitive impairment. It also has a gap affecting witnesses who use alternative means of communication. This Report for Discussion contains preliminary recommendations for updating Alberta [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:02:10-07:00August 1st, 2015|Project|0 Comments

Non-Profit Corporations, Report 26

Non-profit organisations are an integral part of our society, an increasing component of our economy, delivering a wide array of services including education, training, housing, food banks, health care and recreation. The current legislation is old and has not kept pace with the non-profit sector and the legislation should be updated to allow non-profits to accomplish their objectives; to clearly articulate the roles and responsibilities of directors and members, and to balance the requirements and [...]

By |2023-01-27T11:02:37-07:00February 3rd, 2015|Project|0 Comments

Division of Canada Pension Plan Credits in Alberta, Final Report 58

The Canada Pension Plan Act, RSC 1985, c C-8, as amended in 1987, allowed that on the appropriate minister being informed of a divorce, the total Canada Pension Plan ("CPP") credits accumulated by both spouses through the course of the marriage would be split evenly between both ex-spouses. These amendments reflected a desire to protect women who, because of their unpaid contributions within the home, had historically suffered greater poverty in retirement than men. However, [...]

By |2020-06-01T10:57:02-06:00November 1st, 1990|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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