ALRI is considering how the law might best provide for division of assets and protection for individuals and families when cohabitation arrangements break down. Rules for property division on relationship breakdown do not necessarily have to be the same for non-married cohabitants as for married persons to be considered fair. These rules could be different.
The Institute is currently conducting a surveys on property division for common-law couples and adult interdependent partners. The surveys ask for your opinion about some proposals for improving the law. Your feedback will help us decide whether to recommend these proposals to the Alberta government, change them, or make different ones.
ALRI’s project and report on property division for common-law couples is featured by various media outlets and legal bloggers.
Property Division: Common Law Couples and Adult Interdependent Partners, Final Report 112
The Alberta Law Reform Institute recommends changes to the law for how common-law couples divide property if their relationship breaks down. This Report also recommends changes to the law for [...]
Property Division: Living Together Before Marriage, Report 31
It is not uncommon for couples to live together before getting married. In some cases, they will acquire significant property, such as a home, furniture and a vehicle. While the Matrimonial [...]
Property Division: Common Law Couples and Adult Interdependent Partners, Report 30
In recent decades, it has become increasingly common for couples to live together without being legally married. Couples who live together in a marriage-like relationship without being legally married are [...]
2017 Alberta Cohabitation Survey Results
In conjunction with its project on property division for common law couples and adult interdependent partners, ALRI partnered with the Population Research Lab at the University of Alberta to carry [...]
Media Coverage
Global News – How common-law relationships are not the same as marriage in Alberta
The Star Edmonton – New laws needed to help common law couples divide property, experts say
CBC Radio, Calgary Eyeopenor – Common-law breakups in Alberta
The Lawyer’s Daily – Alberta think tank recommends new provincial rules for common law couples
CBC Radio, Edmonton AB – Common-law rules in Alberta
Global News Radio, The Alberta Morning News with Peter Watts – Common-law property
Global News – Group wants housing legislation reform for Alberta common-law couples
ABLawg – Property Division for Common-law Couples: The Problem, the Project, and the Proposals