Has the Dower Act Affected Your Work? We Want to Hear From You!

Let us know how the Dower Act has affected your work at bit.ly/dowersurvey. The Dower Act in Alberta is a law that protects the property interests of a married person if the couple’s home is legally owned solely by the other spouse. It applies to the “homestead”, which means the house and some attached land where the owner spouse lived during the marriage. The Dower Act hasn't been updated significantly since 1948 and is not serving [...]

By |2023-04-24T09:18:05-06:00October 16th, 2020|Latest News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Meet ALRI Student Researcher Serena Eshaghurshan

ALRI welcomes its new summer student researcher Serena Eshaghurshan. Take a few minutes and get to know Serena. Why did you pursue a career in law? I decided to pursue a career in law as I love working with people. I come from a psychology background so I always knew I wanted to work with clients. I have always been interested in law, so the opportunity to work with clients and help them with navigating the [...]

By |2023-04-24T09:18:37-06:00July 21st, 2020|Latest News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Meet ALRI Student Researcher Briggs Larguinho

ALRI welcomes its new summer student researcher Briggs Larguinho. Take a few minutes and get to know Briggs. Why did you pursue a career in law? I chose to pursue law because I wanted a job that constantly challenged me. The law is constantly changing and requires you to constantly challenge what you believe in. That aspect appeals to me and always keeps me on my toes. What is your favourite food? Sushi not even [...]

By |2023-04-24T09:18:37-06:00July 24th, 2020|Latest News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Professor Barb Billingsley Joins ALRI Board

The Alberta Law Reform Institute is excited to announce that incoming U of A Faculty of Law Dean, Barbara Billingsley has joined our Board of Directors. Professor Billingsley practised civil litigation before joining the Faculty of Law as Professor in 2001 and received the Distinguished Service Award for Legal Scholarship from the Law Society of Alberta and Canadian Bar Association in 2018. She published General Principles of Canadian Insurance Law and is a sought-after expert [...]

By |2023-04-24T09:18:37-06:00February 4th, 2020|Latest News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

We’ve just published our 2018-2019 annual report!

Read all about our activity this past year in our 2018-2019 annual report. Over the past twelve months we welcomed new Board members and counsel to our team. We also hosted law reform agencies from across Canada for bi-annual Fedaration of Law Reform Agencies of Canada Symposium. Two of our projects were wrapped up with the publication of Final Reports and a roadmap of new projects was established for the coming years. We also saw [...]

By |2023-04-24T09:18:38-06:00September 9th, 2019|Latest News, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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