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So far Barry Chung has created 363 blog entries.

The Residential Tenancies Act in Alberta

The Alberta Law Reform Institute is undertaking a preliminary review of Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Act. The Residential Tenancies Act establishes the rights, rules, and obligations that govern the relationship between a landlord and tenant. ALRI will be conducting several stakeholder engagements with organizations from across the province to determine how the Act is functioning and where it could be improved. The findings from these events will be used to determine the scope of a potential law reform project. More [...]

By |2023-11-22T10:41:37-07:00November 22nd, 2023|Latest News|0 Comments

ALRI Recommends Alberta Law Expressly Provide For Electronic Wills

The Alberta Law Reform Institute recommends that electronic wills should be expressly permitted in Alberta. ALRI’s full report, Creation of Electronic Wills, Final Report 119 is available now.   People are increasingly using digital tools to manage their personal affairs. In some jurisdictions, wills are no longer restricted to paper and individuals are beginning to execute their testamentary documents using electronic tools. In Alberta, the Wills and Succession Act governs the creation of wills but [...]

By |2023-10-20T13:49:16-06:00October 19th, 2023|Latest News|0 Comments

Creation of Electronic Wills, Final Report 119

People are increasingly using digital tools to manage their personal affairs. In some jurisdictions, wills are no longer restricted to paper and individuals are beginning to execute their testamentary documents using electronic tools. In Alberta, the Wills and Succession Act governs the creation of wills but does not address wills created using electronic means. This leads to a lack of clarity for lawyers, estate professionals, and the public. ALRI conducted extensive consultations with the public [...]

By |2023-10-26T15:40:24-06:00October 10th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Congratulations to ALRI Counsel Stella Varvis!

Congratulations to ALRI counsel Stella Varvis for being awarded the Stronger Together Award by Women in Law Leadership (WILL). This award celebrates the contributions Stella has made to organizations and groups within her community. According to Ms. Varvis, approximately 22% of Canadians live with a disability. As a fierce advocate for disability rights, Ms. Varvis is working to break down barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from fully participating in all fabrics of life. Her [...]

By |2023-10-10T09:23:20-06:00October 6th, 2023|Latest News|0 Comments
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