Take a few minutes to meet ALRI student researcher Sawyer Nessel!

Sawyer Nessel is a law student at the University of Alberta who will be starting her third year of law school in the fall. Sawyer has a Bachelor of Commerce from MacEwan University. Prior to joining ALRI, Sawyer worked in a variety of industries, including law, parks maintenance, customer service, road construction, and more. In her free time, Sawyer enjoys visiting family and friends, tapping into her artistic side through colouring and drawing, listening to music, and staying active.

Why did you pursue a career in law?
Because my name rhymes with lawyer – haha! But in all seriousness, I feel intrinsically motivated by a sense of justice that has arisen from personal circumstances and wanting to help people who have been wronged. Then, when I took a required business law course in my first degree, I became very interested in law and decided I wanted to become a lawyer!

What is your favourite food?
Pasta and freshly baked bread. Bonus points for garlic bread.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Greece – I want to island hop and try all the food!

What is the most challenging or fun part of your job?
As my colleague Rachel says, Scrabble – for both the most challenging and fun parts.

What would your superhero power be?
Teleporting! Avoiding the daily commute and being able to travel for free would be major wins.

What is your most memorable moment in your career?
In my law career so far, the most memorable moment would have to be seeing Gray Whales while visiting Pachena Bay Beach in Bamfield, BC for the Oceans Law and Policy course!

If you were a crayola crayon, what would the name of your colour be?
Silly Shamrock