The final product that arises from this consultation will be a comprehensive Model Code of Powers and Procedures, and an accompanying Annotation that sets out important case law that supplements or clarifies the rules. The Code will clarify the powers that already exist under the common law, and provide for additional powers necessary to the efficient and effective functioning of agencies. The code will not be a rigid set of rules that apply to every agency; it is intended as a “store” from which Departments and agencies can select the rules that are necessary to the functioning of particular agencies. Comments are invited in the areas of pre-hearing procedures, hearing powers and procedures, decision and reason, and miscellaneous powers. A primary task of this consultation document is to ask the consultees how to implement the recommendations. What is the best way of ensuring that the process of selecting appropriate rules is undertaken by the agencies, and what is the best process for ensuring that the task of making the appropriate comparisons and selections is undertaken and completed?